The Body Manual by Fauziya Abashe

Image result for menstrual cycle and the seasons

Chapter 1 : Mastery of your Menstrual Cycle

The more proficient I've been forced to become about my monthly cycle, the greater my appreciation for my body and the divine order upon which every organism on Earth must adhere to. 
Time reigns supreme in this divine order, Every Woman being blessed with Her very own unique calender.
Time reigns supreme in this divine order, Every Woman being blessed with Her very own calendar unique with its own pre-determined sequence of events.
Most Women have a monthly cycle ranging between 28 and 34 days and although sometimes periods are irregular, most can agree that the 4-7 days dedicated to menstruation are pretty much the most dreadful few days of the entire month.
Head and back aches, stomach cramps and sore breasts are just a few of the symptoms we can expect.
As a direct result of these physical and emotional symptoms,we can expect to be less productive during this period.
It is no secret that in Ancient times Women were associated with the Moon due to the correspondence of the moon's 28 phases to a Woman's menstrual cycle. 
Throughout my Education, I had trouble maintaining a steady productive schedule but I lacked commitment to a specific routine.
I came across a concept of dividing the cycle into four phase. 
Winter being the first phase of the cycle known as week one is the week of rest, reflection and rejuvenation without these necessary components, there is limited productivity.
During Spring the seeds are planted, and nurtured for growth. This is a time of creativity. This is the time to plan and record ones thoughts. This is often the most imaginative period.
Summer the land is flourishing and the flowers are blooming. Everything is in its full glory. This is the prime time to implement the plans we made during week two (spring). Your energy is at its highest and you'll find that you're in a much better mood than usual. 
We refer to Autumn as the waning phase. Energy levels are depleting at this point. Be conscious of your mood as it is expected that your body would be signaling retreat.
All Women at one point or another have been offended by boys at school or work colleagues saying that we have a bad attitude because we are experiencing symptoms of PMS.
It usually goes like ;
'oh she must be on her period'
or the favourite; 
'shes being all cranky, it must be that time of the month'
By the time you've completed this book, I would hope that you no longer take offence to the crude remarks but rather show compassion to their ignorance. Your symptoms are valid,healthy and natural parts of being 'Woman', lifegiver and the vessel of God.  
In this Manual i'll be teaching how we can incorporate this knowledge into our daily lives in order to boost our productivity.
We will also discuss how we can accommodate ourselves better and communicate with our environment more efficiently during the four phases.  

Excerpt of the body manual :chapter 1 
Fauziya Abashe 
August 18 2019
