YOU LIKE IT 😘😘😘

Do you ever just have an honest conversation with yourself?

Do you ever look over the last few years and notice a cycle that's been repeating itself in the form of situations or actual people ? The same soul in different bodies.

After binge reading every Robert Greene book I could get my hands on ,from Mastery to 48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction. I'd reached rock bottom .I started watching every single interview I could find on YouTube. I came across an Interview He did about one of his most recent works, The Laws of Human Nature. This was next on my reading list. 

Roughly 40 mins into the interview He began discussing how our reality is shaped by us. Now this wasn't something I hadn't heard before but it was how he expressed it that just didn't sit right with me. He had the nerve to say whatever problems you see in others, you are just as guilty of. 

If you think everyone's selfish, you're selfish. If you think everyone's corrupt, you are. If you think everyone's a Narcissist then you are. How could He say this ?

I thought about that particular statement for hours.  

I began to think about negative habits, cycles and long term relationships. Why an individual would claim to be disgusted by their partners behavior but remain in said relationship for years at a time. How is this possible?

 Could it be possible that they share those negative traits themselves or god forbid secretly enjoy them?

I know this sounds crazy but when you take the bold step of dissecting your own character, you begin to see your environment differently. We all have a shadow side, yes even your Pastor. 

The great thinker Aristotle taught that Happiness is the ultimate good. Meaning that there is no standard 'good' or 'bad'. 

Good is whatever makes you feel good. 

similar to what is taught in the Church of Satan.

Aristotle believed that in human decision making good is simply what makes you happy not what is right.

For example, someone who is trying to lose weight orders a large Hawaiian Pizza with extra cheese even though He/ She is aware that this is a very unhealthy choice. They have the option to make something healthier or schedule a workout but makes a conscious choice not to because in that moment the Hawaiian Pizza is 'good' because it feels good, it's comforting. A 5 mile walk becomes 'bad' because it brings feelings of sadness and awareness of ones own obesity.

An even more interesting example is A person charged with the murder of the Man/Woman who offended them. Most people would agree that murder is wrong but for a split second pulling the trigger was 'good'. Perhaps regret set in later but in the heat of the moment It brought about pleasant feelings.

It was 'good'.

That is how Aristotle saw Human decision making. Smart Man 

He was.

The next time you see a Man complain about his six year relationship with his 'crazy' girlfriend ask yourself if the crazy is what has kept him there. Or A Woman who finds herself in another relationship with an abusive, controlling Man. She always says she's done with him, 

'He's a cheater, I'm done with Him' 

Call Her next month and you'll see they're back together and she just found out she's expecting, YAY! 

Have you ever noticed how toxic people always claim everyone else is toxic but non toxic people couldn't be bothered with discussing the nature of damaged people? Its just not something they have to deal with. 

Humans are attracted to the familiar therefore we attract what we are. 

I wish the World allowed people to openly make statements like;

'the fact that He cheats lets me know He is indeed desirable'

'I love the fact that my Man yells at me and demands to check my call log or else. It lets me know He cares and the passion makes me feel safe'

‘I have low self esteem and She confirms to me how much of loser I am. That’s where I’m most comfortable, it’s just easier’

We do an amazing job at policing one another so people realize that they shouldn't actually like these things so they pretend they don't.

Your actions will always reveal your desires, never your words.

Another reason we cannot openly express such thoughts is because it just might force us to address why we like these things. We would be forced to do the internal work and admit that we are also damaged which is a very uncomfortable position for most people.

If you're a sweet young lady, known to be somewhat of a pushover but you're in a relationship with an arrogant Man who leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth, eventually you'll have to ask yourself why. Maybe you live vicariously through Him. You find strength in Him. 

Every time He walks into a room and doesn't bother saying hello to the people there you feel good deep in your heart because when you say hello everyone sees how much of a nice lady you are.

Victimhood is one of the greatest manipulation swords take it from me. Perhaps being a victim is a position you like. Being with your disrespectful Boyfriend is 'good' at least for now.

These are uncomfortable questions to ask yourself that's why most people don't even bother. It's exactly why I stopped listening to the Robert Greene interview, there was too much truth and self analysis is 'bad'. Just because I did the research doesn't mean I'm no longer guilty of everything I talked about, I'm only the messenger. 

I planned on working out tonight but I'm so over it honestly.

I'll order some Coconut Rice with glazed Chicken and a large Coke instead. Last time it was SOOO GOOD 😘 

                                             Ziya Abashe

                                              11:13pm                                                       Nov/8/20
