King Von birthchart

            King Von Birth Chart Analysis

Sun Leo16°53'

Moon Virgo17°01'

Mercury Leo13°15'

Venus Libra2°12'

Mars Gemini25°19' 

Jupiter Scorpio6°54' 

Saturn Pisces10°40'R

Uranus Capricorn23°27'R

Neptune Capricorn21°18'R

Pluto Scorpio25°18'

 Lilith Taurus13°48'

 N Node Scorpio19°29' 

King Von was born under the Sun sign of Leo. They are known to be very Talented as they are ruled by the Sun making them a natural show Man. Von also has a Venus in libra. This combination of Sun in Leo, Mercury in Leo and Venus in Libra makes for an Artist with a large presence. One who has a natural Venutian grace aswell as libras rule the Arts, especially performing Arts. Music was His destiny.

The fifth house also rules Children so being that He has strong fifth house energy, its no coincidence that Von had 3 children at 26. He loves a large family and most likely would've had more Children if he lived longer.

Being an August born Leo also enforces the impact of His Virgo Moon so perhaps He was very particular about His craft and how it was presented. This might have slowed down the amount of Music He put out. Virgo's are known to be perfectionists. They are also known to be very hard workers.

This Virgo Moon is also the reason that Von didn't come off as brash and egocentric as most Leos. On the downside, Virgo emphasis brings about anxiety, overthinking and compulsive behaviors. This individual likely seeks out coping mechanisms like drugs and alcohol or perhaps prescription drugs because Virgo’s love to self medicate claiming its for their insomnia or one of the many health conditions they might experience in their life. 

Leo's like the finer things in Life but Von still managed to come off slightly modest.

He had a calm nature. It also gave Him a clean cut image as Virgos rule hygiene, order and personal maintenance. This gives them a youthful appearance for a very long time. 

This Placement gives an individual natural scholarly ability as well. They usually are well spoken even if they aren't well educated. They're just naturally very intelligent, hence His lyrical genius.

The Virgo Moon is also very telling because these are individuals that often grew up under harsh circumstances where they had to become responsible much quicker than others around them.

Often times you find people with this placement grew up as Orphans or one of their Parents suffered some kind of illness, whether mental or physical. Whatever the case, these individuals had to take care of themselves and others very early. The Virgo/Pisces axis is that of the Martyr.

What also struck me about Vons chart was His Scorpio North node.

This is a very heavy placement as Scorpio rules transformation usually forced transformation.

This is a placement of heavy Karma therefore natives of this placement find themselves drawn to the darker aspects of life. The Taboo is something that interests them. They often find themselves in situations where they constantly have to rebuild because they have faced some misfortune and all their Work has been tarnished. The only way to win with this aspect is to totally embrace it and seek evolution. Never get to comfortable. Stay ahead of the game by always seeking new adventures and experiences that allow you develop yourself on a spiritual level. Material wealth is not your focus in this lifetime. Your Taurus south node wants you to stay where its comfortable, lounge and focus on money as your primary goal, do the opposite. Focus on gaining experiences, focus on internal development and understanding the hidden aspects of live like Human Psychology or Taboo subjects.

Von has two other Scorpio placements, Jupiter in Scorpio and Pluto in Scorpio. I do not know His time of birth (rising sign), These are very appropriate for His north node and further encourage the theme of Rebellion and Evolution. In many ways, King Von lived His purpose. He made Honest Music about His unconventional lifestyle, never missing an opportunity to diss His Ops. He really was about that life.

The game lost a real one but according to His chart He lived exactly they way He was destined to. Perhaps an early death was part of His Karmic debt that Has been paid off (Scorpio north node). 

King Von's life is somewhat of a cautionary tale one marked with very high highs and low lows however, the World was able to enjoy His presence while He was here. He's left us with Iconic Music and a foot print firmly planted on the new age of Modern Rap so in that way He Won. 

He left His mark in History, and the way He did it... well, there's nothing more Scorpio than that.

RIP Brother 💓
