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If you're like most people you are already familiar with your Sun sign. You've read times without number about the attributes of your sun sign and although you relate to your some of these characteristics, you are often left feeling confused with the many generalizations. Its normal to feel as though there are missing pieces to the puzzle. These missing pieces are your Moon and ascendant signs.

The sun sign refers to the zodiac sign in the horoscope that was in transit at the moment of your birth while the moon sign refers to the zodiac sign in which the moon was in transit. The sun takes 12 months on average to travel through the 12 zodiac signs (a month in each) and the moon spends roughly 2 & 1/2 days in each. The moon sign is not as mainstream as the sun sign partly due to the fact that it requires an exact birth date and place of birth to be determined. It is considered the most important sign of the birth-chart after the sun sign in western astrology and the most important in Indian astrology. The ascendant sign refers to the sign that was on the eastern horizon at the exact moment of ones birth,
The sun sign has to do with the ego,ones conscious behavior and characteristics we are learning to develop while the moon sign relates to our unconscious or emotional needs and emotions, how we react instinctively. The ascendant sign on the other hand is slightly harder to detect by an individual. It is a social mask of some sorts, relating to our behavior in strange,new environments or unfamiliar settings and with unfamiliar people. It is believed that we relate more to our moon sign when we are born and later transition to our sun sign when we become completely self-reliant normally between the ages of 25-30. The combination of these 3 important signs of the birth chart provide a very accurate description of ones character.
The signs are divided into 4 categories;

  • WATER - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • FIRE - Sagittarius, Leo, Aries
  • EARTH - Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
  • AIR - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra                     
The members of each element share similar characteristics however there are key differences. For example, the Water signs are known for their emotional sensitivity but react to this differently, one with a Scorpio Moon is very temperamental,often violent but a Cancer is more passive aggressive when hurt.
Now that we have a pretty good idea about the roles of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant (rising) sign, we can now discuss the different zodiac signs with respect to their influence on ones personality.

Heres a link to help you find your Sun, Moon and Ascendant sign.   


Cancer-  Whether it is manifested in your Sun, Moon or Ascendant, The Cancer energy is a passive energy. Family oriented and security loving, it is known as the Mother of the Zodiac. Along with the other 2 members of the water element, Cancer is notorious for their psychic abilities, being able to sense the emotions of others. Cancers are loyal but clingy as they have the instinctive desire to nurture others. They are often impulsive and restless with their ever-changing moods. They also have a need to feel appreciated by those around them and can be quite crabby when they do not receive love and affection. One of Cancers strengths is their unmatched powers in persuading others.

Scorpio- These are intense energies to say the least. Often having piercing eyes that gaze into ones soul. These are very intimidating individuals who never shy away from a good-fight.
They are passionate, fiercely loyal and prone to jealousy and possessiveness of their loved ones.
They take longer than most signs to warm up to new people as they are very distrusting of those they deem as outsiders, These signs are also famous for their controlling and manipulative nature, often called the FBI of the zodiac because  they seek to know their partners deepest darkest secrets although most times they are reluctant to share their own. Thread lightly with this sign as they are known to hold grudges.

Pisces-  The sign represented by fish is characterized by empathy and intuition. They are the most sensitive of the zodiac sign because of their ability to feed off the good and bad energy around them. People who possess this energy are also prone to drug abuse or indulgent lifestyles as they feel a need to ease their formidable intuitive abilities. Pisces are also known for their charming and captivating personalities often having an air of mysticism around them. They are emotionally intense,loyal and are the ultimate romantic as they have the ability to sense the needs of others.

FIRE ( 'I AM' )

Sagittarius- This sign is the quintessential Teacher and guide of the zodiac. They are the explorers, filled with love of learning, Teaching and an incredible zest for life and new experiences. They require lots of freedom and sometimes have trouble expressing their emotions making romantic relationships with more emotional signs very difficult for them. They enjoy travelling, philosophy or anything that involves expansion of the mind or discovering the unknown. They are also prone to having commitment phobia but are ironically traditionally minded and have high moral standards. The Sagittarius spirit is extremely independent and can lash out whenever they feel their independence is being threatened. This energy also connotes great leadership abilities.

Leo-  The Leo energy is very dramatic an self-confident. Though they are sometimes accused of being arrogant and self-centered, this is not far from the truth. Leos love being the center of attention however, they are most times generally good natured people. They usually cannot help but dominate a situation and are known for being the life of the party. Like the other 2 fire signs, Leos are very passionate and creative with a knack for problem solving. They are also known to be very generous individuals who are addicted to the praise they receive from when they have alleviated a problem.

Aries-  Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries energy is youthful and somewhat naive. Always ready to take risks. Though this is often perceived to be bravery, it simply does not occur to the Arian spirit that they will be faced with challenges and are therefore always willing to take the leap with the promise of new conquest. These signs make excellent leaders when they develop tact. Aries have a need for speed and competition. They always seem to attract conflict as they feed off the passion birthed from friction and turbulence. Aries also require freedom as they are very independent souls and often feel as though they should be treated with god-like status.


Taurus- One of the most easily recognizable signs, the Taurus soul has the tendency to be passive  and materialistic. These are practical signs who only believe in tangible things rather than ideas. They are also relatively conservative and gain comfort by surrounding themselves with the finer things in life. They are usually very responsible individuals with a strong sense of right and wrong giving them a natural ability to be diplomatic. They are also very reliable and expect the same from others. A major challenge for this sign is their possessiveness in relationships and their devotion to gaining material things.

Capricorn-  This is a very conservative energy, that is incredibly ambitious and will stop at nothing to achieve the goals they have set for themselves. More often than not, Capricorns accomplish these goals as they are the most disciplined sign of the zodiac. They can sometimes be dictatorial as they are perfectionists and like to take on many responsibilities. They are excellent organizers who feel that they are the only ones who can achieve the  'ideal form'. Known to be great friends, they enjoy building people up and are very loyal although they will find overcoming their conceited nature to be a challenge.

Virgo- The sign of the virgin is very analytical. They are the perfectionists of the zodiac. Known to be hardworking but overly-critical of themselves and others.Virgos are very caring, having a deep sense of humanity and social responsibility. They cannot stand rudeness because they have natural etiquette. and diplomacy. Usually very knowledgeable, they have interests in a variety of  subjects which they love to discuss even though being the center of attention can make them feel uncomfortable.


Gemini-  Ruled by the Planet mercury, Geminis are the communicators of the zodiac. They are usually very light-hearted and fun-loving, having large social circles. They can sometimes suffer from restlessness which gives them difficultly in settings which require seriousness for long duration's of time. These signs are also known for having a love of language and conversation to the point of taking offence when another person misuses words. Being the sign of twins, Geminis are often accused of having double personalities. They are simply versatile individuals who are happiest when change is going on around them. These individuals are forever young at heart and make great broadcasters or social workers because of the social skills.

Aquarius- Like the 2 other air signs, Aquarius' enjoy intellectual conversations and making new friends. They have an unquenchable curiosity. They welcome challenges are usually found in organizations fighting for a cause as it gives them a sense of purpose. Aquarian's also enjoy helping others and can sometimes loses themselves in another persons situation. These individuals are also independent but not because they fear commitment, Aquarian's simply prefer asserting their individuality. They also enjoy travelling as the unknown is very appealing to them. Their weakness comes from their uncompromising nature and their resistance to emotional expression.

Libra- Individuals who possess this energy are usually peace loving individuals. There is a certain graciousness about them that brings harmony to their surroundings. They usually have great sense of style. These signs appreciate beauty and luxury, often over-spending to acquire the finer things in life. This is partly because they are ruled by the planet Venus, associated with love and beauty. They are also very cooperative people who avoid confrontation at all costs and detest any form of injustice or inequality. They seem to enjoy working in pairs and dislike loneliness, this can be a weakness as the Libra must learn to stand alone and develop their own opinions.

In depth knowledge of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant signs and how they manifest themselves will equip you with a better understanding of yourself and why you exhibit certain behaviors. Allowing you be more conscious of your true identity and therefore make better decisions. I hope that this piece has helped you achieve this.

                                                                                                                With love, ZIYA xoxo👄👄
                                                                      Cancer Sun, Sagittarius Moon and Aries Ascendant.
