Love the old you


Your career is going great, your finances are stable, you're healthy and looking better than ever.
Why ruin this beautiful picture by thinking of the days when you were broke, ugly and unemployed?
You see sometimes life will have you at your wits end and the next minute you're experiencing a movie that even the greatest screenwriter could not script.
My Brother once told me its much easier to give advice from the outside looking in , or something to that effect, so I wont bore you with the typical 'keep your head up' or 'life is a journey'. Instead i'd like you to think of all the times in your life when you've experienced failure, sadness or loss. Think of how it changed you and what lessons you've learnt from it. As much as we'd all like to eliminate these memories, they have all had a positive impact on our life in one way or another.
From little things like remembering to put your seat belt on everyday before you head to work, to the dangers of drug abuse, its the negative things that we have experienced that help us make better conscious decisions. Rather than feeling ashamed of your troubled past, why not think of how much better you've become ?  You are your own success story and don't let anyone tell you other-wise. 
Norman Vincent Peale who you probably know from the book 'power of positive thinking' once said
' The problem with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism'. This really struck a chord with me. It reminded me of every time I ran away from my problems or tried to make myself feel better by saying 'At least i'm better than Him/Her'. These were never remedies, these were in fact detrimental to the development of my character. 

Every morning we wake up and put a smile on our face for the world no matter what we're going through. When asked how we're doing we say 'i'm fine'. We simply can't mention the stress we're experiencing. We'd rather keep up with the facade. 
This is because no one ever really wants to appear vulnerable when in fact, there is great strength in vulnerability. Wearing your heart on your sleeve is the bravest thing one can do.
The challenges we experience are what molds us into who we are, and if you're proud of where you are today, why would you want to bury that which brought you to this point ?
If after years of hard work you can now afford the finer things in life, don't ever feel ashamed of the days when you slept on an empty stomach or walked miles to get to school.

One of my guilty pleasures is watching someones face when another person says 'I heard something about you'. The look of terror on the persons face is priceless. Although this isn't a good thing, Its a constant reminder that its only human nature to be ashamed of our past and far too worried about how we appear to others. This is something we are all guilty of in one way or another.
The only way one can outgrow this is to make laughing at the old you a habit, its called your past for a reason. Unapologetically sharing the times we've fallen flat on our faces but managed to rise once again to take on the world. Train your mind to embrace it. Who knows, your testimony just might be the words of encouragement another person needs to uplift their spirit. You can never truly love yourself if you do not love the journey that brought you to where you are. So I challenge you today, to begin to love yourself completely by being unashamed of the trials you faced or are facing in your life and sharing them. In this way you will not only be a blessing to those around you but you will also create an avenue for more blessings to come your way. 

                                                                                                                    With Love, ZIYA💋
